Birdon hosted an Open House & Supplier Briefing to celebrate the opening of our new manufacturing facility in Portland, CT. This facility is Birdon’s third location in the United States and the first on the East Coast. U.S. Coast Guard RADM Chad Jacoby, Governor Lamont, Lt Governor Bysiewicz, Senator Blumenthal, Congressman Larson, State Senator Norm Needleman, and Portland First Selectman Ryan Curley all attended a tour of the facility and participated in the opening ceremony.
In April 2022, Birdon purchased two contiguous marina properties totaling 31 acres on the Connecticut River. In addition to continuing operations as a marina, Birdon is investing in the expansion and upgrade of the manufacturing facility to accommodate the U.S. Coast Guard 47’ Motor Lifeboat (MLB) Service Life Extension Program (SLEP). Of the total 117 vessels to be refurbished under this contract, over 50 of the vessels (based on the Atlantic side of the USA) will be completed in Portland.
Birdon has plans to hire approximately 50 new employees in the next 12 months as we establish and expand our presence in Connecticut.